Bishop Christian Riesbeck, CC has announced the clergy assignments for 2024. The listing is available here.
Easter is the privileged time to realize that Jesus Christ is truly alive and present in our lives – Bishop Christian’s Easter Message
Easter is a privileged time in which we are invited to discover the risen Jesus truly alive and present in our lives! In his 2023 Easter Vigil homily, Pope Francis exhorted us to ‘revive the beauty of that moment when we realized that He is alive, and we made Him the Lord of our lives.’…
Continuing the work on synodality – Bishop Christian’s Letter to the Faithful
The work of Synodality continues! The Diocese of Saint John has submitted a summary report to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, to contribute to the final Synod session in October 2024. Many thanks to all who have participated in our Synodal reflection sessions. You can see Bishop Riesbeck’s letter to the faithful for more…
‘Let your speech always be gracious’ (Col 4:6) – a pastoral letter on social media from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
‘Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone’ (Colossians 4:6; Pastoral Letter on social media, from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops). Social media, like any mode of communication, is to serve a human good: building bridges among people by sharing information. “When…
Thank you for participating in the Disciple Maker Survey
Parishes across the Diocese of Saint John particiapted in a survey about our discipleship, offered by the Catholic Leadership Institute. The survey asked us to reflect on our spiritual growth, and on our parish efforts to help. Over all, we received 79 responses to our survey, representing 18% of our Sunday Mass parishioners. We will…
Bishop Christian’s Message for Christmas 2023
‘Jesus longs to be born in our lives, to be cradled, embraced and welcomed. When we say yes to all He has to offer, our lives will never be the same. This Christmas, take a step toward Jesus. Open your heart to the hope He promises.’ Read Bishop Christian Riesbeck’s message for Christmas 2023 here.
Bishop Christian’s update to the faithful on Cathedral Restoration
“I am counting on your fervent prayer for this work of restoration and ask you to pray through the intercession of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, as we give God permission to move powerfully in our diocese. Please be assured of my prayers for your families.” Read Bishop Christian’s letter here.