Pope Francis offers a letter on the devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, from his meditations and appeals in June, the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart, in advance of the anniversary of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque’s December vision of Christ’s heart of burning charity. See his letter, Delixit nos, here. From the…
Fall Supper Thanksgiving
The Saint Michael’s Fall Supper was successful, with your generosity and with volunteers’ time. Net funds raised including donations, meals, squares, and 50/50 draws amounted to $14,186.98.This Christian hospitality provides fellowship for all ages. A heartfelt thank you to all women, men, and young adults, the surrounding schools, and communities of many cultures. Thank you…
Called to Witness and Proclaim: Canadian Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Evangelization and Catechesis in the Family
‘Families are essential for our church’s mission,’ says the Most Rev. Brian Dunn, Archbishop of Halifax-Yarmouth, and Chair of the Episcopal Commission for Evangelization and Catechesis. ‘They show testimony to the Gospel in everyday life through love, sacrifice, and mutual care.’ This pastoral letter outlines a Gospel approach for catechesis in the family, catechesis with…
Bishop Christian Riesbeck, CC’s Pastoral Letter on the Last Supper
In my prayer the last few days, I have been convicted to write this short letter to you. Our hearts are grieved whenever and wherever the Eucharist is blasphemed, whether that is on the world stage, in the media, by the actions of others, or even by our own actions that deny the Real Presence…