Mechelle Ligon will be working with us as our new parish office administrator. Committed to Christian Charity, Mechelle has served in customer service, and has fourteen years of accounting experience in addition to her education in accounting and business administration. We also thank Sandy Williston for her diligence and patience, postponing her retirement until we…
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Remembering Saint Thomas College Students who made the supreme sacrifice for our freedom
The Blessed Virgin Mary statue in memoriam of the students of Saint Thomas College who made the supreme sacrifice from 1939 to 1945, has been relocated from the rectory to Saint Michael’s Cemetery, next to the columbarium. Thanks to Stephen O’Reilly, Barry Whitty, and Shane Dinan who carried out this work.
Month of Remembrance
As we approach the end of this season in the Church, and begin to contemplate the Last Things with Christ the King, we experience All Hallow’s eve, the vigil of the Solemnity of All Saints, and All Souls’ – the commemoration of all the faithful departed. In this month of Remembrance, we are encouraged to…