“All social goods flow from a culture that rightly has as its source the respect for the sanctity of human
life. This is why I, along with many others, was disheartened to hear about recent decisions to expand
abortion services in the province. Every civil right we enjoy is founded on the most fundamental right—
the right to life from conception to natural death… It has never been more important to pray for our elected officials, to support the work of pro-life organizations, and to make our voices heard.
Let us pray unceasingly that the fundamental right to life will be protected, valued, and upheld.”
“You can contribute to this special collection on the weekend of December 7-8 using envelopes marked, ‘PRO-LIFE OFFERING.’
Your prayerful and financial support will help promote respect and protection of human life at all stages, from conception to natural death.”
See the full letter from Bishop Christian Riesbeck, CC here.